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About Us

Welcome you are here because you have been guided to our advanced hypnosis and hypnotherapy. For some it may be a last chance to change restrictions and find freedom for others it may be something that they always wanted to try but never had the time or opportunity. Either way if you are willing to open your heart to our healing in a serious way, then we are willing to open our heart to you and through our advanced hypnosis and hypnotherapy techniques find the answers you have been looking for.

I am Julian and will be your Certified Hypnotherapist. Using our advanced hypnosis techniques *we can correct the root of the problem, once cleared or corrected your symptoms will diminish. CBT and NLP used by many psychologists, psychiatrists and clinical hypnotherapists can assist in controlling symptoms but alone can not  fix the root of the problem. Our Advanced hypnosis techniques get to the cause quickly and efficiently. If this is for you then please go to our online form to take your first step to our healing. Click Here For Appointment

My history

I have been a Registered Clinical Physiologist serving the Private and National Health Service since 1989. I am also a Reiki Practitioner and a Cardiac Ultrasonographer.

My certification in hypnotherapy and my membership with the National Guild of Hypnotists following graduating from the Calgary Hypnosis Academy Advanced Hypnosis, is an extension to my already eclectic medical knowledge and skills. Please see resume for more details Click Here.

 *Results differ between clients and no guarantee of success can be given.